Fund rating removal for the Standard Life Investments Global Absolute Return Strategies (GARS) fund

Following the recent announcement of the impending retirement of Guy Stern in 2019, we have taken the difficult decision to remove the A rating of the Standard Life Investments Global Absolute Return Strategies (GARS) fund. Over the past 10 years Mr Stern had retained a prominent role within the group, most recently as Global Head of Multi-Asset Investing, and although he will be replaced by Aymeric Forest, who joins the firm in February 2019, we see this change in leadership as material.

Moreover, this comes at a time when the strategy has experienced an extended period of challenging performance and we have also observed a number of changes across the broader team.

The combination of these factors, in what has been a reasonably short timeframe, has resulted in a loss in conviction in the fund's ability to meet its stated objective and outcome and we have therefore removed it from our Academy.