Responsible Ratings Change - Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders, Asia Pacific Sustainability, Indian Subcontinent Sustainability and Worldwide Sustainability

We have decided to remove our suspension of the ratings of the following funds, after our update with David Gait, who co-manages these funds with other team members of the Sustainable Funds Group within Stewart Investors. Mr Gait is joint Managing Partner of the firm. Whilst we feel reassured that the recent team departures have been managed in an efficient manner, we would like to see a period of stability within the wider Stewart Investors group, such that it does not, for instance, have an impact on the quality of idea generation, which can happen on occasion when there are changes in portfolio management and/or research teams.


Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders fund – Previously Responsible AAA Rating changed to Responsible AA Rating

Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Sustainability fund – Previously Suspended Responsible AAA Rating changed to Responsible AA Rating

Stewart Investors Indian Subcontinent Sustainability fund – Suspended Responsible AA Rating to Responsible AA Rating

Stewart Investors Worldwide Sustainability fund - Suspended Responsible A Rating to Responsible A Rating