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A Spotlight on: Outlook for 2024

04 Jan, 2024 | Return|

“You should never be wrong and strong. You need to be continually reassessing the data that you are seeing and navigate accordingly.”

2023 was a rollercoaster of a year...

In the last 'A Spotlight On' panel of the year, we were joined by Rebekah McMillan from Neuberger Berman, Nicola Mai from PIMCO, and Peter Michaelis from Liontrust Asset Management, to discuss their thoughts on 2024 and its potential investment opportunities.



Liontrust's Sustainable team

Solving for 2024 Safety in numbers

The Liontrust Sustainable Investment team manages a broad range of funds across equities, bonds, and managed funds. Find out more about the team and their investment process below.

Each year, Neuberger Berman's investment leaders identify 10 key themes that they believe will be prominent in the markets over the next 12 months. Take a look at what they think is on the horizon below. Many thought the UK economy was exceptional, but it has now converged – a timely reminder that, for investors, it pays to look under the bonnet. PIMCO investigates why the UK Economy no longer looks like an outlier.


To get notified when the next 'A Spotlight On' panel goes live, click here.


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