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A Spotlight On: UK Equities

20 Mar, 2024 | Return|

"Whoever is in power post the election, I think, will pursue a very vanilla marcoeconomic policy frame. Partially because public finances are in a mess, but it's also a lesson to be learned from the trust debacle 12-18 months ago, whereby the market exerted a very harsh penalty for unconventional economic policy."

This month, John Monaghan, Research Director at Square Mile Research, was joined by Hugh Yarrow (Evenlode), Neil Veitch (River and Mercantile) and Scott McKenzie (Amati Global Investors) for a discussion on UK Equities, answering:

  • Following the recent budget, have there been any announcements that surprised you?
  • Is the additional £5k ‘British ISA’ allowance enough to drive flows into UK equities?
  • What are your expectations for the general election?
  • Are there any areas where there are concerns over valuations?

Watch the full discussion below:



ISFL Evenlode Income Fund

The pressure on UK Equities  

The fund is focused on finding asset-light companies with cash generative economics and long-term growth potential, that also offer an attractive initial yield and a growing dividend stream.

Scott McKenzie shares his thoughts on UK Smallcap in this overview document.  


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